You may also be asked to perform baptisms, lead funeral rites, and preside over weddings. As clerics, Deacons are required to pray.

During service, the Deacon’s responsibilities include assisting the priest, proclaiming the sacred text, announcing the General Intercessions, and distributing Communion. You are a minister of your religion, a servant to your divinity, and fulfill pastoral and administrative duties correlating to the church. Reading and writing are taught to all members of the clergy. Cleric’s roles and functions involve presiding over specific rituals and teaching religious doctrines and practices. The formal leaders of the religious institution. Objectives: Reach Level 2 Research & Debate Skill. A Lector is licensed to lead non-sacramental worship (including, in some cases, funerals) and may assist in the leadership of sacred text study. You are up to date on all readings and sermons planned by your priest, and you know when to offer assistance during services of all kinds. Working your way up to the clergy, as a Lector you read sacred texts, apart from the holy book, during worship. Objectives: Reach Level 3 Logic Skill, Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill.

You may also be expected to assist a deacon or priest set up and clean up at the altar. Down the aisles you can be seen swinging a censer or thurible, carrying the incense boat, or handing out offerings to ushers. You are an altar server, one who assists by carrying a processional cross, lighting candles, and holding the holy book and torches during worship. Objectives: Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill, Be Friendly to 5 Sims. It is your job to maintain a positive attitude to welcome all who wish to attend service. Objectives: Finish Reading 3 Books, Reach Level 2 Logic Skill.Īs an assistant to the clergy, you usher parishioners as they enter and exit the church. Long days are spent at the church reading core texts and praying. You are a student of religion and one dedicated to philosophy.

Priests are in charge of ensuring that religious occasions and events are observed, as well as performing the final rites to the dying. They preside over baptisms and weddings, and are a source of philosophical education. Priests provide wisdom for members of the community and have a special place in society. Medieval Themed – Clergy, Jacoban and Peteran branches Mod The Sims – Mods / Traits: Priest Career mod by sokkarang.