For more information, see Find details for other versions of Office. Here is the KMS client key of Office 2019: NMMKJ-6RK4F-KMJVX-8D9MJ-6MWKP.

Un des plus complets est LicenseCrawler qui est disponible au lien suivant: LicenseCrawler. The purchase of this product provides one perpetual software license.

Follow the steps to find your license type and other details about your version of Office. SUR LE PLUS CI-DESSOUS POUR D'AUTRES INFORMATIONS = DE QUOI PARLE CETTE VI. Proplus non-retail is ProplusWW.msi in the PlusplusWW. You need a free license key for Office 2019, Professional, Home and Business 2019. Checking the License Type and Activation Status of Office 2019/2016 or Office 365. Office 2019 Office 2019 delivers features across apps to help. Microsoft plans to reduce the support lifecycle for Office 2019. License DESCRIPTION: Office 19, VOLUME_KMS channel. Các bạn down về xong, chạy file Install để cài đặt nhé.